Good Poker Blogs

I spent the night off doing some research on my new Poker Affiliate Programs site.

I also, spent a couple hours reading and bookmarking good Poker Blogs. Some of the better poker blogs from my perspective are: – This is one of the original blogs on the internet about poker, Linda has been posting her stories from the Bellagio since before the term “blog” even became popular. I have known her for over 5 years from playing poker at the Bellagio. She is a genuinely nice person and a very good dealer also. Her stories are dead on accurate, hard to believe how the high limit players behave, but it is very true.

If you search for poker blogs on Google, Yahoo, MSN or any of the other big search engines you will undoubtedly find this blog towards the top: The guy who writes the blogs name is “Iggy”, some of the stuff he writes about is pretty funny. Sometimes he tends to ramble, I think his name for rambling is a “uber-post”. Not sure where that name came from or if he coined the term but “uber-post” seems to fit his page perfectly.

I literally surfed hundreds of blogs, looking at what other people were writing about, styles, content, etc. I have linked to the blogs and sites that I like on the left hand side of this page.

Quite a few of the blogs provide some pretty interesting stories, some provide decent advice about poker and some poker blogs really do a disservice to their readers by providing truly bad poker advice.

Today’s Poker Lesson: Be careful about taking advice off of a blog, even mine for that fact. I’ve read some pretty interesting theories on poker on some different blogs. Best thing to do is process the information and figure out best what works for your style.

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